I Didn’t Trust Them, Why Did You???

Back during the 2012 general election season, Mitt Romney was going toe to toe with Barack Hussein Obama in the debates. At one point and time, Mitt was really cleaning O’s clock. Then something happened – foreign policy debate issues.

Mitt Romney was saying that Russia was one of our country’s largest adversaries. He was hammering on this point. When it came to Obama’s rebuttal of this topic, he mimicked and chided Romney stating, “the 80’s called and they want their foreign policy back.”

Prior to this exchange, Obama had been caught on a hot mic saying to a Russian diplomat, “this is my last election, when it’s over, we’ll talk again.” Interesting, yes?

Let’s fast forward to 2016, Trump pulls the upset since the beginning of the last century and wins the presidential election! A lot of people were surprised. Most have been pleasantly surprised since.

Because the Democrats cannot believe that they lost so badly, (perhaps they would have rather had McCain run again) they had to bring up this Russian collusion incident. The very same incident that the Mueller report investigated and found no evidence of collusion. But the corrupt U.S. Media has insisted that the Russians were behind it all.

Where am I going with this? Here is where I am going with it; if Russia wasn’t a hostile adversary in 2012, what made them a hostile adversary in 2016?

If the Russians were able to purchase some of our country’s plutonium from Hillary, why would they want to have her not be the Commander in Chief? The Clintons have undercut and undersold the United States since Slick Willie was in office when he gave some of our military secrets to China. He gave those military secrets to them in exchange for donations to his re-election campaign. So, if we want to be against foreign interference in campaigns, I believe we need to be looking at the Democrats. Be on the lookout for the Democrats to blame the Chinese for their next failure. Anyone here speak Mandarin?

Author: The Loud Conservative

Political diatribe and some humor thrown in the mix! Some stunning photos may appear from time to time also!

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